
The Best Books for Speech Therapy for Toddlers

In today’s episode, we discuss my favorite books when it comes to speech therapy for toddlers.

Reading is not about sitting down and reading every word on every page, making sure we sit still the entire time, and reading a book cover to cover. You must get outside of what YOU think is the right (or only) way to do things. Think outside the box. Take any available book and make it work by finding different ways to encourage multiple areas of development.

Something else I want to add here- y’all, I’ve been in speech therapy for over 10 years. I started my career working as a speech-language pathologist assistant the year I was rejected from 8 grad schools. I’ve had time to collect these books- please do not feel obligated to purchase every book off this list.

Is reading important?


Will having the “best” books for speech therapy magically transform your sessions? Maybe…But here’s a secret, friend: the magic transformation wouldn’t be because of the book.

It would be because of you. 

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 My name is Megan Peveto and I’m The SLP Next Door! I am here to share how I empower providers, educators, and parents to increase communication and development in toddlers and preschool through easy-to-use methods and multipurpose resources.

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