
Moving on Up to New Beginnings

One of my favorite things about life is that we don’t get to go back. Even in the good moments. We are always moving forward. It’s something I adapted long ago when I found myself amid life feeling impossible. Something I could count on was the sun going down and coming back up the next morning.

Here’s what I want you to do. If you’re having an especially difficult time this holiday season, I want you to bottle up that worry, sadness, and maybe even a little fear about the future, and I want you to save it. Save this feeling. I’m not telling you to live in it; I want you to put it to memory.

Why? The next time you meet a parent of a toddler experiencing difficulties communicating and you see they are worried or afraid or placing the blame on themselves… take a second and remember what it felt like when you had that feeling about an event in your life.

Join me as we dive deeper into the [sometimes] intimidating but very important aspect of speech therapy for toddlers: encouraging parent involvement!

click to grab this free handout!

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 My name is Megan Peveto and I’m The SLP Next Door! I am here to share how I empower providers, educators, and parents to increase communication and development in toddlers and preschool through easy-to-use methods and multipurpose resources.

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