
How Many Words at Age 2?

What counts as a word?

By the time they turn 2 years old, toddlers should be able to use and understand at least 50 words. Honestly, they probably understand way more than 50 words by the time they’re 2. However, it can be difficult to determine what they know vs. don’t know because their expressive skills continue developing.

What counts as a word? A word is an expression that a toddler uses consistently and intentionally. Animal sounds, environmental sounds, exclamatory words, partial words, sign language, and whole words all count as words.

Often, the biggest concern and reason for referral for speech therapy for toddlers is parent/caregiver concern with a toddler’s lack of verbal skills. “They’re just not talking” may also be paired with concerns with behaviors and aggression. The main goal of speech therapy for toddlers will always be functional communication. We want to make sure their needs are being met while encouraging the development of other skills.

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