
Fun Toddler Game

This week in therapy I pulled out an oldie but goodie! Check out this session saving fun toddler game that I found several years ago. Seek-A-Boo. Have you heard of it? Its absolutely one of my go-to favorites. I don’t say this unless I mean it… but you definitely need it!

This fun toddler game is a fantastic way to introduce vocabulary, encourage memory skills, increase attention to task, promote engagement and communication, and a fun way to get the wiggles out!

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Playing Games with Toddlers

This game includes 2 sets of cards; one smaller square card and the corresponding larger circle card. It’s pretty open-ended so you can play many ways; but, here’s what I usually do:

Match Picture to Picture. Place all the circle cards face up and show your little one a square card. Have them point to the matching picture or have them place the matching pictures together. You can modify this version of the game based on their level. If presenting 6 different pictures for them to choose from is too difficult, narrow it down to 3-4 or 2-3. As they begin to grasp the concept, provide more choices.

Traditional Matching. Turn all the circle cards face down and have your little friend turn them over one by one to match the corresponding square card. This is a more advanced level of matching and requires a higher level of thinking. I suggest starting by matching the picture and once that concept is mastered, move on to the traditional matching game. Again, when introducing this game- narrow the choices provided based on your little one’s level! As they are able, include more choices. 

Interaction & Movement

To increase interaction and movement, place the cards in various places throughout the area. Allowing your little one to “hide” the cards gives them a sense of control over the game and creates motivation for engagement. 

Here are more concepts that can be targeted through seek-a-boo:

love this game! It’s a little more expensive than traditional matching games, which by the way, can also be used in the same manner. I won’t share items that I wouldn’t stand behind 100% so this one is defintely worth the investment! Let me know how it works for you by tagging me on instagram or tik-tok @theslpnextdoor

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 My name is Megan Peveto and I’m The SLP Next Door! I am here to share how I empower providers, educators, and parents to increase communication and development in toddlers and preschool through easy-to-use methods and multipurpose resources.

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